We had the honor of participating in the workshop organized by the newspaper El Día de Cordoba, in which exporters and tourism companies from Cordoba bring ideas to the development of the province and to overcome the crisis.

The third working session, which I attended as Organizational Development Manager on behalf of Silos Cordoba, has counted with the participation of Mariano Romero Juarez, Manager of Cordoba Jewelry Consortium; Antonio Espaliú Berdud, jewelry Bohemme Manager; Francisco Torrent Cruz, CEO of Torrent Olives; Alvaro Ortega Zamora, Zamexfruit CEO, Miguel Angel Tamarit Almagro, General Deputy Director of Aviation Faasa group; Francisco Viñas Ruiz, Director of Linking Market and Ana Garcia Lopez, Marketing Director of Ciatesa.

The event objective was to debate about the internationalization process of the Cordoba’s companies with the participation of the entrepreneurs directly involved in successful internationalization projects. Gandaria has been invited to this session because of its extensive experience in this area. A pioneer commercial expansion process began exporting metallic silos for grain storage in 1993 and has led the company to generate business in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, especially in Eastern Europe.

As key ideas, Mariano Romero Juarez has emphasized the idea of tutoring the entrepreneur and the business organization for a successful internationalization. For his part, Francisco Torrent has defended, in his experience, that when developing a project of foreign trade is important to “put passion” in what you do and have a project. Antonio Espaliú continued pointing out the relevance of having a unique and difficult to copy product as a form of differentiation. This formula is what has allowed Bohemme Jewels placed on the market in the U.S., among other countries, and in 25 centers of the English Court. Alvaro Zamora Zamexfruit, has granted part of its success to defend a brand, which has positioned in countries like Switzerland. Ana Garcia has stressed in his speech that one of its key has been consolidating distributors and markets and the importance of its R + D + i currently has a team of 5 people who support them in the adventure of internationalization.

One of the issues highlighted in the meeting referred to the choice between the figure of the distributor or agent, a key aspect of internationalization. While there are few possibilities to influence a broker in his business strategy, the agent, however, is more open to the influence of the exporter and can become a partner or ally of the company.

Some very interesting ideas that I hope we can implement to promote business development in our province.

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