Silos Córdoba

ECI Industrial Bucket Elevator

ECI Elevador de Cangilones Industrial

Main Features


is engineered to withstand the most demanding environments in the grain handling and transportation.

Its solid and robust design provides years of reliable service. Made of S350GD galvanized steel sheet with Z-600 metal coating, ECI Bucket Elevator can operate efficiently with a wide range of grains, seeds, legumes and pellets.


El cuerpo motor del ECI presenta un diseño sencillo y robusto

Head Section

ECI´s head section features a robust and simple design

It’s worthy of note the reaction arm – designed and manufactured by Silos Cordoba – as well as the way the head section is attached to the rest of the machine and the set where the bearings lay.

The interior curved and reinforced wear protection ensures long service life. Maintenance tasks on the head section can be performed quickly and easily since its components are easily accessible.

Destacan por su sencillez en el diseño y montaje ECI Elevador de Cangilones Industrial.

Intermediate sections

Intermediate sections stand out for their simplicity in design and assembly.

They consist of only three different parts.

The junction between the intermediate sections provides high rigidity to the elevator and allows the quick installation of stairs and head section platform.

Su diseño permite un rápido acceso a la banda y/o los cangilones ECI Elevador de Cangilones Industrial

Register section

Its design allows quick access to the belt and/or buckets.

Thanks to its easily accessible doors, maintenance tasks can be performed easily.

The doors also ensure excellent seal, preventing leakage of grain.

Su diseño garantiza que los elementos mecánicos queden ocultos y asegura que el elevador quede protegido ante las inclemencias meteorológicas.

Tensioning Section

Thanks to its design, all mechanical elements are hidden, ensuring the elevator to be fully protected against bad weather conditions.

It features a newly designed pulley that prevents accumulation of grain. The interior is made of wear resistant materials to ensure a long service life.

Belt misalignment detectors and rotation sensor come as standard.

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Technical Features

* Specified values have been determined taking a 750 kg/m3 material as reference. Data shown are theoretical and may vary depending on the material and the drive unit.

* Specified dimensions may suffer modifications.

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