Juan Lopez Regalón, manager of Silos Córdoba, a firm engaged in the manufacture of storage and conservation facilities for cereal, talks about the commercial actions that his company has been doing outside his country. As a result, in the last year, the company billings have gone from 38 to 46 million euros.

Silos Cordoba is a family business founded by his father, also named Juan Lopez Liétor. This company is exporting since September 1994, with a project of his son.

In how many foreing have you done business last year?

We are in 32 countries and our main market in Europe focuses on Russia. We also work in the Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), Egypt, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Iran. In America we also have an office where we work areas such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia. We also have an office in Turkey, where we have a major project and from there we attend other countries in the Middle East.

Have your sales increased significantly this year compared to last year?

We’ve gone from 38 to 46 million euros, representing an increase of 19%.

When traveling out and then coming back to Spain, how do you feel when you see the crisis that our province is facing?

I do not like to stay long here because I don’t like to be negatively influenced. We must change the discourse already. One thing is what is said and another this is what happens. There is a negative energy in the environment that does not move the economy. Long ago I listen to music instead of listenint to the news. I read the newspaper, but basically I browse the data that interests me, since it’s important not to be negatively influenced.

Do you think this has affected the image of Spain outside?

It has suffered a bit in recent years and people from outside has many objections. Sometimes they say: “If there is such a crisis, I may have problems if I sign a project with your company”. But there isn’t such a bad image from outside.

What message would you send to entrepreneurs who try to make their way out?

I think all the companies that have come out and have a well-defined service and are clear about the segment they target, are doing well. The advantages of your product over the competition must be clear.

News published in Foreign Trade, Diario Córdoba

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