How to design a silo plant

How to design a silo plant

When designing the sections of the silo plant, you have to bear in mind 4 fundamental steps:
Reception (Sampling, weighing and discharging), Conditioning (Pre-cleaning, cleaning and drying), Storage (storage silos, insect control, humidity and temperature) and Dispatch (Loading trucks or wagons, weighing, sampling and preparation of documentation).

Carlsberg’s Myanmar new malt and rice grain silos in operation

Carlsberg’s Myanmar new malt and rice grain silos in operation

Malt and rice grain storage facility at Carlsberg’s new brewery in Myanmar is now fully operational. The storage facility includes 1 hopper silo 45º with a diameter of 4.58 m, 10 shells height and a capacity of 208 m3; and 2 hopper silos 45º with a diameter of 7.64 m, 15 shells height and a capacity of 876 m3. In addition, the silos are equipped with ventilation and thermometry system for maintaining stored grain quality.

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