The engineering team of Gandaria adapts the design of silos to the climatic conditions of the area where the installation is built: extreme cold or heat, high winds, rain, snow…

Silos Córdoba’s engineering team has been designing silos and adapting its parameters to the different climates in which they operate for over 45 years. Nowadays, their silos have been installed in 52 countries.

The example that we’d like to share in this article is an installation of 29 silos with a total storage capacity of 49.000 toneladas. In this installation the weather conditions are very different throughout the year, reaching maximum temperatures of 26ºC in summer and minimum temperatures of -21ºC in winter with heavy snowfall.

To minimise the impact of adverse weather conditions, Gandaria takes into account the following elements:

  • Steel quality. The expansion and contraction of the steel due to temperature changes is taken into account, so that our designs withstand a temperature difference of up to 10ºC per hour.
  • High elastic limit steel, which improves the investment ratio €/kg.
  • Use of sealant material capable of working in temperatures ranging from -40ºC to 80ºC.
  • Use of engines with operating temperature range from -40ºC to 80ºC.
  • Ventilation design adapted to weather conditions.
  • Roof window closures and ferrule-roof junctions that prevent the entry of snow.
  • Fully airtight equipment to prevent the entry of water or snow.

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