Silos Cordoba is building a new Headquarters and Manufacturing Plant in Cordoba’s  Science and Technology Park Rabanales 21.

The project consists of two buildings. The main building, designed to house the manufacturing plant, has a rectangular floor plan and is topped with a curved East façade.

The other building, the administrative area, represents the corporate image of the company, and is designed by using its flagship product, a steel silo, as an architectural element.

The symbolic value that identifies the company will acquire a dominant value, compared to other buildings that make up the industrial area.

The building’s exterior is conceived in the shape of a silo, cylindrical body with a conical end.

It shows a closed, continuous and homogeneous metal façade, as well as vibrating, due to the motion of the outer sheets.

The main access is via a ramp curve concrete element acting as a link between outside and inside, accompanying the curvature of the main body penetrating it tangentially, born of a landscaped outdoor area.

Austere in its exterior appearance, it has a warmer image inside. Light, spatiality and inner transparency dialogue with the metal shell. The few materials used in the interior enhance these qualities, trying to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. White walls, color that best receives sunlight, transparent partitions to let light be present in every corner and the warmth of the wooden floors. A design that prevents any excess and looks for a quiet and cozy interior.

The central void becomes the heart of the project, acting not only as a space character, but as thermal center of the building, allowing natural cycles control ventilation.

Thanks to the central oculus, natural light coming in through the skylight is in charge to define each area. This void culminates in the basement floor in a soft area of natural materials, water and vegetation, allowing the merger between exterior and interior.

Architects: Lola Moral Mata and Miguel Velasco Serrano

Silos Cordoba's New HeadquartersGeneral View

Vista interiorInterior View

2_Vista-aereaAerial View

Sección 1Section 1

Sección 2Section 2

Esquema texto Planta Semisótano Planta baja Planta entreplanta
Planta primeraPlanta cubiertaAlzado 1 Alzado 3

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